Media Licensing and Business Management

20/20 Software manages media licensing, other charges, custom prints, and any other products or services your company provides. We handle invoicing, billing, quotations, customer accounts, royalties to suppliers, and cash management.

For ecommerce websites, online customer accounts, receipts, past orders, quotations, and purchasing history are immediately and automatically synchronized with our back-end system. In addition, if you are a large organization with a separate finance department, we can integrate sales and royalty information automatically or in batch.

We host a custom shopping cart and can program to any gateway, including PayPal. We support promotions, coupons, gift cards, negotiated discounts, and line-item discounts. We give you full control over your online business.

All services, including cloud storage are SaaS applications, hosted in our secure data center.

Our many sales and management features include:

  • Customer/user database with user access levels
  • Customer ledgers, house accounts, and payment system
  • Media licensing and product sales
  • Media pricing calculators - images and footage
  • Custom print shop, with crop and zoom functionality
  • Rights tracking and exclusive use
  • Invoices producing online receipts
  • Proforma invoices producing online quotations
  • Conversion of quotations to shopping carts or invoices
  • Supplier database with automated royalties
  • Staff database with automated commissions
  • Lightbox and shopping-cart management
  • Full reporting suite

20/20 Software offers an integrated system for administration, publishing, and website (or media portal) display.

Learn More

2001 W Main Street, Suite 270, Stamford, CT 06902 U.S.A.

+1 203 316-5500